into the eye of the storm

Brewery News

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Vortex Brewing Co., located in the historic railroad village of New Freedom, PA, we offer the local community a friendly, modern, upscale taproom environment with hand crafted beers on tap. 

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Vortex Brewing Co. History How It All Started

Vortex Team

Vortex Brewing Company wasn’t just born out of a love for a cold pint. It’s the result of a great friendship between Ed and Richard, the founders and co-owners. What began as a laid-back chat in a basement bar over some home-brewed beer has now blossomed into a full-fledged business dedicated to quality beer and top-notch service. Cheers to that!

To understand the meaning of the brewery’s name, you must understand its origin. Years ago, before the property was secured, and the name was selected, there was a basement bar in Ed’s home that was fondly referred to as “The Vortex.” Many late nights were spent here, full of laughter and conversation, and often, the clock would go unnoticed by those enjoying their friends’ company. 

We used to laugh and say, “One minute you look at the clock, and it’s midnight, and then next, it’s three in the morning!” say’s Ed.

People like to say, “It’s 5 O’clock somewhere!.” We’d rather say, “It’s 6:59 because time stands still, and the fun never ends.”

From there, we began to corrupt the neighborhood with delicious homemade craft beer.

While you could call us “beer obsessed,” we’re just as “experience obsessed.” The mission? To make Vortex Brewing Company, your go-to spot for a night out. Just like with our friends and family, we want to bring that cozy vibe into the brewery, creating a fantastic experience… while serving high-quality craft beer.

As the idea for the brewery grew, so did the excitement to share the joy of perfectly crafted beer with all of you. It was time to find Vortex Brewing Company a forever home. So, the next step was to embark on a fun adventure, exploring every corner of Maryland and Pennsylvania to find the perfect spot to put its roots down.

The journey led back to the charming town of New Freedom, Pennsylvania. Its perfect blend of Southern Pennsylvania and Northern Maryland stole our hearts. This seemingly small town was and is buzzing with a vibrant community and rich history; we just knew it was the place to call home. The moment we felt the passion and community spirit in New Freedom, we had to be a part of it.

You could say we wanted our little slice of new freedom. 

The goal is to give back to the New Freedom community as much as possible by paying homage to its thriving railroad and agricultural history. Vortex Brewing Company wants to ensure every guest gets a taste of this town’s story and maybe learns something new by reminding its guests of the town’s history and helping educate those who might never have heard it.

Vortex Brewing Company is a unique part of the New Freedom community. The mission is to make sure the past is not forgotten while looking forward to the future . . . . all while serving up a refreshing pint of cold beer!

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